Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Thoughts

Personally, we think that the Ziggurat of Ur is one of the most (if not the most) important surviving monument of ancient Mesopotamia. With its huge dimensions (considering its time of construction) one can be impressed by its grandeur, when approaching to it, and feel the overview of the surrounding when positioned on the top.. It has a powerful presence with its massiveness and small simple details that cannot be found in other monuments, like Gothic Cathedrals which are much more ornamented and less massive.


  1. thats very true.. lets not forget the importance of the symmetrical arrangement that gives centrality... inaddition 2 its recesses that shows the temples organization and the centered stairs and the minor stairs for the different human levels..

  2. I strongly agree with you about Ziggurat being one of the most important surviving monument of ancient Mesopotamia. It is a place where you can see a complete human being development history!

  3. Considering its time of construction, it's very impressive how they could build such a big massive monument having no technology like today. Taking into consideration the height they reached and the huge long stairs that act as the entrances to it.

  4. As impressive as the Great Ziggurat of Ur seems, I believe the step pyramids of Mesoamerica, especially the Great Pyramid of Cholula, remain the superior structures of their era. From my humble subjective view, I find them quite impressive and attractive in a way compared to the relatively bland and rigid form of the ziggurats. Nevertheless, Ziggurat of Ur still rightfully earns its majestic status of being the most important surviving monument of ancient Mesopotamia.

  5. Its interesting to think about the time and effort they spent making these structures. Although they are not lavishly decorated, I think they were trying to show that no matter how far you go this monument will always be visible emphasizing its importance.

  6. Very interesting Blog guys, very informative, and the subject matter is quite unique.

    i do have some comments though, it would have been nice to include some background information about the structure (such as why it was built?), i know there could be a lot of speculation, and little solid information, but i was really interested in knowing why the thing was built in the first place!

    also if you can include some better quality pictures, that would be awesome. The structure looks amazing, and after reading this blog i'm going to "google it" for some higher resolution pictures...

  7. Actually, I've been working on a research about the Ziggurat of Ur, there are some valid information i didn't notice before about the relation between it and the cosmic mountain which i really find it as an interesting point. I also want to add a little information about the main stairs which is mainly constructed for kings and ministers; as it leads directly and straightly to the king's platform and as it is bigger, wider and shows the king's majesty.
